. Código Desktop NOW - MISSING 7 YEAR OLD BOY - 4400 block of Rosegate Dr. Birnamwood Subdivision - Troy Khoeler. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt & pants, has a small afro hair style. He has been missing for approximately 2-3 hours ... a blue shirt & pants, has a small afro hair style. He has been missing for approximately 2-3 hours. pic.twitter.com/FyQ7vFYGME? Mark Herman, Harris County Constable Precinct 4 (@Pct4Constable) July 28, 2022 Código AMP NOW - MISSING 7 YEAR OLD BOY ... - 4400 block of Rosegate Dr. Birnamwood Subdivision - Troy Khoeler. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt & pants, has a small afro hair style. He has been missing for approximately 2-3 hours. pic.twitter.com/FyQ7vFYGME? Mark Herman, Harris County [+]
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