...de cruzados a quienes la seguridad les impidió entrar en el campo , lo que provocó que tuvieran que dar la vuelta y marcharse. Código Desktop Qatari authorities have started banning England fans from wearing crusader costumes in stadiums. The attire, complete ... móvil Qatari authorities have started banning England fans from wearing crusader costumes in stadiums. The attire, complete with swords and crosses, are offensive due to crusader history of rape, slaughter and occupation of Arab lands.#Qatar #Eng ... #FIFAWorldCup pic.twitter.com/BoL6dnZEjz? Robert Carter (@Bob_cart124) November 23, 2022 Código AMP Qatari authorities have started banning England fans from wearing crusader costumes in stadiums. The attire, complete with swords and crosses, are offensive [+]
Rusia anunció este lunes que suspende las inspecciones estadounidenses previstas a los sitios militares estipuladas en el marco del tratado New START, un acuerdo estratégico entre las dos potencias para limitar los arsenales nucleares . En un ... Biden quiere renegociar con Rusia el Tratado START, que expira en 2026 y que permite un máximo 1.550. cabezas nucleares y 700 sistemas balísticos en cada país Este anuncio se produce en el contexto de la ofensiva rusa en Ucrania que comenzó el 24 [+]
«Let´s ges it started in here (Empecemos aquí)» tuvo que pensar la banda Black Eyed Peas este miércoles en el Concert Music Festival cuando pasadas las diez y media de la noche, el grupo norteamericano hacía su entrada en el escenario al ritmo ... de uno de sus temas más conocidos y con el que habitualmente arranca todos sus conciertos, Let´s Get It Started. «Let´s get it started, ha, let´s get ir started in here, let´s Let´s get it starded, ha, let´s get ir started in here (Vamos a empezar, vamos [+]
...create AI images of yourself from a text description. Want to create your own? Go to https://t.co/ojZ29Pq9i2 and start generating! pic.twitter.com/lfYKvytY5J? ImagineMe | Personal AI Art Generator (@imagineme_app) January 14, 2023 Imagen para móvil ... , amp y app Código móvil Imagine Me allows you to create AI images of yourself from a text description. Want to create your own? Go to https://t.co/ojZ29Pq9i2 and start generating! pic.twitter.com/lfYKvytY5J? ImagineMe | Personal AI Art Generator ... (@imagineme_app) January 14, 2023 Código AMP Imagine Me allows you to create AI images of yourself from a text description. Want to create your own? Go to https://t.co/ojZ29Pq9i2 and start generating! pic.twitter.com/lfYKvytY5J? ImagineMe | Personal AI Art [+]
...access their saved searches & workflows via https://t.co/2WwL3hNVR2 by selecting ?Try the new TweetDeck? in the bottom left menu. Some notes on getting started and the future of the product?? Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 3, 2023 Imagen para ... notes on getting started and the future of the product?? Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 3, 2023 Código AMP We have just launched a new, improved version of TweetDeck. All users can continue to access their saved searches & workflows via ... https://t.co/2WwL3hNVR2 by selecting ?Try the new TweetDeck? in the bottom left menu. Some notes on getting started and the future of the product?? Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 3, 2023 Código APP We have just launched a new, improved version of [+]
...pesado capaz de transportar varias cabezas nucleares apodado Satán II. Nuevo START Ese misil fue presentado por primera vez en 2016 y según los medios estatales rusos tiene un alcance superior a 11.000 kilómetros. Puede transportar además una ojiva de 100 ... de su país en el tratado de reducción de armas nucleares Nuevo START, dando por enterrado el último pacto que regula los dos mayores arsenales nucleares del mundo. Según las agencias, el Kremlin rechazó el miércoles responder a las preguntas sobre estas [+]
...cardiólogos, médicos de urgencias e internistas de todo el país dijeron que habían experimentado el mismo fenómeno. Código Desktop The #1 reason I see patients under 30 with arrhythmia is because they started taking herbals/supplements they heard from ?insert ... reason I see patients under 30 with arrhythmia is because they started taking herbals/supplements they heard from ?insert podcast here? Guess what happens when we stop the supplements? It goes away! Maybe it?s a SoCal thing, but sadly I think the ... problem is growing?? Danielle Belardo, MD (@DBelardoMD) August 25, 2022 Código AMP The #1 reason I see patients under 30 with arrhythmia is because they started taking herbals/supplements they heard from ?insert podcast here? Guess what happens when we [+]
...but we pedalled and it's a start #Believe ? pic.twitter.com/3rdO7COrdg? Steve Mercer (@SMercerOfficial) May 11, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil Had a pedal on my e-bike the other week. It hurt, it was hard but we pedalled and it's a ... start #Believe ? pic.twitter.com/3rdO7COrdg? Steve Mercer (@SMercerOfficial) May 11, 2023 Código AMP Had a pedal on my e-bike the other week. It hurt, it was hard but we pedalled and it's a start #Believe ? pic.twitter.com/3rdO7COrdg? Steve Mercer ... (@SMercerOfficial) May 11, 2023 Código APP Had a pedal on my e-bike the other week. It hurt, it was hard but we pedalled and it's a start #Believe ? pic.twitter.com/3rdO7COrdg? Steve Mercer (@SMercerOfficial) May 11, 2023 Mercer lo puede contar, pero no así [+]
...barco y por esta razón ha decidido impactar contra los mismos». Código Desktop Now this is a story. Multiple reports that killer whales are working together to attack small boats off the coast of Spain & Portugal. Its believed it all started after one ... whales are working together to attack small boats off the coast of Spain & Portugal. Its believed it all started after one Orca had an accident with a boat or fishing net (who then taught the others to attack) pic.twitter.com/8WMIbs6R0F? James Withers ... (@JamesRWithers) May 25, 2023 Código AMP Now this is a story. Multiple reports that killer whales are working together to attack small boats off the coast of Spain & Portugal. Its believed it all started after one Orca had an accident with a boat or fishing net [+]
...de seguridad del pabellón. Código Desktop Furkan Korkmaz getting into it with Georgia's Duda Sanadze Fans started throwing cups onto the court ? pic.twitter.com/GSsKveHxQX? ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) September 4, 2022 Imagen para móvil, amp y app ... Código móvil Furkan Korkmaz getting into it with Georgia's Duda Sanadze Fans started throwing cups onto the court ? pic.twitter.com/GSsKveHxQX? ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) September 4, 2022 Código AMP Furkan Korkmaz getting into it with Georgia ... 's Duda Sanadze Fans started throwing cups onto the court ? pic.twitter.com/GSsKveHxQX? ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) September 4, 2022 Código APP Furkan Korkmaz getting into it with Georgia's Duda Sanadze Fans started throwing cups onto the [+]
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