...sueños de triunfar en Hollywood, y cuenta que el músico un día le cantó «Just like a woman» en el backstage, susurrándole al oído. Dylan le dijo que aquellos versos, que hablaban de una joven que «hace el amor igual» que una mujer adulta, los había [+]
', 'facebook-jssdk'));To Paris, From PakistanPlease share it as much as you can so it reaches the people in Europe!#PrayForParis #PrayForTheWorld Video was produced by young PakistaniHouse of LolzFor More Like Pakistani Comedians Posted by Pakistani Comedians on domingo [+]
...de violación y de asalto en segundo grado. FIGHT LIKE A SAVAGE! I might pay your $750,000 bail just to let my #runningsquad finish the job! #nottodaymotherfucker #nottodayexpletive #nottoday #selfdefense #womensselfdefense #runnersafety #instarunners [+]
...more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! ? ? I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone's struggles, (everyone's struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I was in this for 10 years before I got out. But I want ... 's so hard but it is possible! And I still take photos to face my fears on my bad body image days! Like the beautiful Gina says ??FAKE??IT??TILL??YOU??MAKE??IT?? (You do not have to post your self love journey online!!! Everyone is ... hecho de que se tenga que pesar todos los días. #throwback to some smiles, some sass and a fabulous underwear set! ?? (@ted_baker ) ?? everyone has difficult days where the world seems to get on top of them. But when you feel like giving up hold on [+]
...al dj a pedirle la canción 'Like a virgin' de Madonna. El tema está bien y la petición viene de una 'celebrity', pero ni por ésas. El pinchadiscos dijo que no y la otra insistió hasta que el guardaespaldas del dj la despachó de un empujón. El novio [+]
...of my life... he finally sent me my beautiful twins, my babies, my love and life in two lil human beings. I immediately felt bonded, protective, overwhelmed with emotion and like the luckiest woman on this earth. And Ive felt that way everyday since [+]
Ariana loves you too pic.twitter.com/pE0IBnKoHU? ?? (@completebieber) noviembre 7, 2015hey Justin Bieber we love you even more pic.twitter.com/Eg8b1OtGIu? anka (@SecuteBelieber) noviembre 7, 2015Justin Bieber be like: "I love my fans [+]
...is with great sadness after a 5yr battle to multiple myeloma cancer our loving father Martin Brown passed away age 63 peacefully yesterday. Both of us his children were by his side and would like to say thank you to St Gemma's and all the doctors and [+]
...de Facebook en los últimos días. Un relato que parte de una fotografía, la que puedes ver sobre estas líneas. Compartida en la página de Facebook Love What Matters, en una semana acumula casi 140.000 «likes» y ha sido compartida por cerca de 30.000 usuarios [+]
. Let?s Get It On, de Marvin Gaye 2. Love to Love You Baby, de Donna Summer 3. Skin, Rihanna 4. Drunk in Love, Beyoncé 5. Sexy Back, Justin Timberlake 6. Love Me Like You Do, Ellie Goulding 7. Lollipop, Lil Wayne 8. Need You Tonight, INXS 9 [+]
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