...of course tune in to see how well I can act like my finger didn?t just fall off in this upcoming season of @911onfox Una publicación compartida de rondarousey (@rondarousey) el 20 Ago, 2019 a las 12:07 PDT Afortunadamente Rousey confirmó también a [+]
La Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes de Televisión entregaron anoche los Iris 2017 en Kinépolis en la Ciudad de la Imagen. Raquel Sánchez Silva se encargó de conducir la gala junto a su compañero en «Likes» Pere Aznar, que en esta ocasión fue [+]
...y una expresión un tanto extraña logró, sin embargo, más de un millón de «likes» en la popular red social de fotografía. No es la primera vez que Kylie Jenner da de qué hablar. Hace poco, la menor de las Kardashian incendió las redes sociales tras [+]
, donde le han llamado «mal padre» o «egocéntrico» entre otras muchas lindezas. Ver esta publicación en Instagram ?Jr say daddy I'm gonna be like you!!! What do you think?? ?? Una publicación compartida de Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) el 1 Mar [+]
Western influence, which includes rejecting any attempt at democratisation so as not to disappear like the Soviet Union. Promising to eradicate the inequalities that economic growth has brought, he advocates a ?common prosperity? that has targeted the [+]
...the storm: dust towers, or concentrated clouds of dust that warm in sunlight and rise high into the air. Scientists think that dust-trapped water vapor may be riding them like an elevator to space, where solar radiation breaks apart their molecules ... dust storms; they've studied fewer than a dozen to date. "Global dust storms are really unusual," said Mars Climate Sounder scientist David Kass of JPL. "We really don't have anything like this on the Earth, where the entire planet's weather changes [+]
, cuerpos astrales y máquinas del tiempo» o «Tienes más Photoshop que bótox en la cara». Aún así, la fotografía se ha llenado de miles de «likes» y sus seguidores han alabado el acto de Joao. Jorge Javier aún no se ha pronunciado sobre la imagen pero si [+]
To my forever love and my daily inspiration. Happy anniversary @ashleygraham These 9 years have played out like a lifetime. I guess it?s because my life really started once you came into it. Now that we?ve made a life together, let?s make a life [+]
...que las miradas se dirijan hacia él. Sergi Roberto, centrocampista del Barcelona y de España, le dio un «like» («me gusta») a un mensaje publicado en Instagram por su excompañero Xavi Hernández. El antiguo capitán azulgrana, que ahora juega y reside [+]
, physical and emotional journey of aging. And as we diligently put the finishing touches on the book, we?d like to ask for your help once more. This book is for you and about you and that?s why we?d like to see you on the cover. Much like the cover of the ... Body Book, under the jacket, were we featured women of all different shapes, sizes, builds and ethnicities. We would like for you to feel represented again, this time to show where you are in your process of aging. So we invite you to take a picture of ... yourself. It should look much like the one I have here; against a plain background, this general framing-you can crop closer to a portrait, and the higher-def the better! We?d like to see more of that beautiful face of yours than the body this time. And if [+]
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