Jonathan Rhys recae en el alcoholismo tras perder a su segundo hijo

La esposa ha sido la que ha compartido la triste noticia después de que, unos guardias de seguridad del aeropuerto de Dublín, no dejaran subir a su marido al avión al ver su estado de embriaguez

El matrimonio hace dos años GTRES


El actor Jonathan Rhys-Meyers -protagonista de « Los Tudor »- no pasa por su mejor momento. Después de dos años y cuatro meses sobrio ha vuelto a recaer en el alcoholismo , enfermedad que arrastra desde hace décadas, después de que su mujer Mara Lane haya sufrido un aborto.

La esposa ha sido la que ha compartido la triste noticia después de que unos guardias de seguridad del aeropuerto de Dublín no dejaran subir a su marido al avión al ver su estado de embriaguez. Lane no dudó en salir en su defensa, explicando los motivos que han llevado al actor a recaer en su adicción.

«Con mucha tristeza, abrimos nuestros corazones para compartir que J y yo perdimos a nuestro segundo hijo. El niño era muy buscado y J se lo ha tomado particularmente mal », escribía la también actriz sobre la desgracia que les ha ocurrido.

9/7/17 Forever Young 🙏🏻🙌🏻With much sadness, we open our hearts to share that J and I lost our second child, who was baking in the oven. Child was very very much wanted (right now especially by J, so he took the news particularly not so well) and we are still working with coping skills over here... when life throws us curve balls such as these. Depression is a real concern from past abuse as well as alcoholism which he was born with. He has been able to turn any ugliness and hurt in his life into art and is the strongest person I know. I do not know anyone who has been through what he has been through and reached his level of successes. It does seem though that every time we seem to be making so much progress... sometimes it's like two steps forward, one step back. Thank you family and friends and all of you lovely kind beautiful people who send us good energy and thoughts and support. It is so appreciated. I have so much love for you. To some others, my husband is an Irishman who battles alcoholism and depression and drank between jobs to try to cope with the sadness of this news. I am trying to and still learning/adjusting to living with the public, like one would as a concerned mother-in-law. I feel that whomever took photos of my husband was slightly in the wrong and was concerned for the wrong reasons but ... it's ok. It's ok. Maybe you have/had a family to feed and need/needed money? I don't know. We forgive you. He is safe and with his sober living companion and bodyguard to get into a detox closer to home since he was denied hospital help twice in Ireland because of an already two month wait period. Life is life. Life is beautiful. Life is tough sometimes though so let's try not looking down at someone unless we intend on helping them up. Sending love to those in... Texas, Florida, India and Mexico with all the natural disasters going on. We are both so sensitive and the past couple of weeks have been so ouch in our hearts for all humans and animals affected. With Love, M&J

Una publicación compartida de Mara &Toca Lane Rhys Meyers (@thelionandthelambchop) el

Y añadía: «Mi esposo es un irlandés que lucha contra el alcoholismo y la depresión. Bebía para tratar de sobrellevar la tristeza de esta noticia». Una adicción que no es nueva. Desde que saltó a la fama, los rumores de su coqueteo con la botella han sido constantes.

El actor ha llegado a ingresar en rehabilitación en seis ocasiones, la última en 2009. Además ha sido arrestado en varias ocasiones por ir demasiado borracho, incluso tuvo que ser trasladado de urgencia a un hospital por un posible intento de suicidio .

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