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EE UU se prepara para la llegada del huracán 'Isaac'

Imágenes: This August 28, 2012 NOAA GOES East 16:15 GMT colorized satellite image shows Hurricnae Isaac over the Gulf of Mexico, heading on track towards the US state of Louisiana. Isaac was upgraded Tuesday to hurricane status as New Orleans girded for the impact seven years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the "Big Easy" and killed 1,800 people across the US Gulf Coast. The National Hurricane Center in Miami said an Air Force aircraft reported the storm's maximum winds had increased to 75 mph (120 km/hour), just above the threshold for an upgrade to a category one hurricane. The storm was expected to make landfall later in the day. AFP PHOTO/HANDOUT / NOAA = RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / NOAA" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS = TELETIPOS_CORREO:WEA,WEA,%%%,%%%   Fuente: AFP   28/08/2012 20:11:00

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