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  • Overnight stays in the province went up by more than 9% this summer


    Once again Andalucía proved one of the favourite tourist destinations in Europe this year. In fact, the Andalucían tourist industry closed the summer season (July - September) of 2006 with a record number of visitors and income. The number of tourist [+]

  • Activity holidays, an ideal way to recharge your batteries


    ...more closely at the places which are perfect for adventure sports in Cádiz province, we must highlight the caves hidden in the Sierra de Grazalema where pot-holing enthusiasts can find a world of possibilities. Some of the most important are the Sima ... del Republicano in Villaluenga; the Cueva del Susto in Zahara de la Sierra, the Cueva del Gato and the Cueva de la Pileta. For those who are just starting to explore the world of pot-holing, the Cueva del Peñón Grande at the foot of the Grazalema [+]

  • Amor por la madre naturaleza


    La provincia de Cádiz cuenta con una gran variedad de paisajes de un gran valor ecológico con una belleza extraordinaria. Seis parques naturales: Los Alcornocales, el de Grazalema, el del entorno de Doñana, el parque de la Breña y Marismas de Barbate [+]

  • Passion, the sea, charm, art... Cádiz, a province which has everything


    To speak of Cádiz is to speak of beauty, of charm, of passion, of the sea, the mountains, art... it is to speak of a compendium of attractions which spreads throughout the length and breadth of the province. Cádiz is divided into several areas which [+]

  • Cádiz se consolida como un destino preferente para los amantes del golf


    El golf es un deporte en alza, que ha encontrado en esta región del sur de España un asentamiento idóneo para su disfrute y práctica, convirtiendo las tierras gaditanas en claro referente turístico para los amantes de este deporte en toda Europa. E [+]

  • The Barceló Jerez, a hotel with charm in the centre of Jerez


    The Barceló Jerez Hotel is the result of more than two years of restoration work to the María Auxiliadora convent, and is a fine example of the lovely architecture of the 19th century. The three-storey hotel is right in the centre of Jerez, in the Pl [+]

  • Paradise on earth


    One of the main attractions of the province of Cádiz is its fantastic beaches, and lovers of the seaside will think they are in paradise when they come across beaches such as those of Caños de Meca, Zahara de los Atunes, Tarifa, El Palmar, Cádiz city [+]

  • Deportes en un enclave único


    Un escenario con encanto y un deporte atractivo es la combinación perfecta que los amantes de los deportes encuentran en Cádiz, donde se puede practicar un sinfín de modalidades deportivas por agua, tierra y aire. Buceo, rafting, kitesurf, descenso d [+]

  • Los mejores quesos de Castilla-La Mancha en 2018



  • La provincia de Cádiz acude a la WTM de Londres, una de las ferias turísticas más importantes del mundo


    Desde el próximo lunes día 6 y hasta el jueves 9, Londres acoge la 27ª edición de la World Travel Market, una de las tres ferias de turismo más importantes del mundo junto a la ITB de Berlín y Fitur en Madrid. El Patronato Provincial de Turismo [+]

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