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  • Los mejores memes de #oneperfectshot, la noche en la que Twitter revisitó con humor escenas de cine


    El ingenio es la cualidad más destacada de los tuiteros cuando se quedan sin temas de actualidad para comentar. A veces, ese exceso de ingenio provoca los momentos más destacados y recordados de la Red. El hashtag «OnePerfectShot» recopila escenas co [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Una niña de tres años mata de un disparo a su hermana de cuatro en Texas


    , and shot the four year old. Crimes against Children investigators are on scene.#Hou News HCSOTexas (@HCSOTexas) March 13, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, briefing media on the accidental ... shooting death of a four year old girl. A three year old girl found an unsecured firearm, and shot the four year old. Crimes against Children investigators are on scene.#Hou News HCSOTexas (@HCSOTexas) March 13, 2023 Código AMP ... Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, briefing media on the accidental shooting death of a four year old girl. A three year old girl found an unsecured firearm, and shot the four year old. Crimes against Children investigators are on scene.#Hou News [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Deja en estado crítico a un adolescente negro tras dispararle en la cabeza por tocar el timbre de su casa en EE.UU.


    , Stacey Graves. Código Desktop Chief Graves spoke with media regarding updates in the case involving the juvenile who was shot Thursday night. kcpolice (@kcpolice) April 16, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil Chief ... Graves spoke with media regarding updates in the case involving the juvenile who was shot Thursday night. kcpolice (@kcpolice) April 16, 2023 Código AMP Chief Graves spoke with media regarding updates in the case involving ... the juvenile who was shot Thursday night. kcpolice (@kcpolice) April 16, 2023 Código APP Chief Graves spoke with media regarding updates in the case involving the juvenile who was shot Thursday night [+]

  • cadiz | Cultura

    Los Rolling Stones lanzarán otro recopilatorio en noviembre


    ...llaman 'Gloom and Doom' y 'One Last Shot', y fueron grabadas el pasado mes en un estudio de París. Este es el primer nuevo material que la banda ha grabado desde su 'A Bigger Band' de 2005. 'Grrr!' también se publicará en un vinilo de 12 pulgadas. Además [+]

  • cadiz | Deportes/Tenis

    Alcaraz, lesionado en la pierna derecha, cede en la final de Río ante Norrie


    ...encuentro al set definitivo. Código Desktop Drop shot after drop shot ?@carlosalcaraz | @RioOpenOficial | #RioOpen ATP Tour (@atptour) February 26, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil Drop shot after drop shot ? ... @carlosalcaraz | @RioOpenOficial | #RioOpen ATP Tour (@atptour) February 26, 2023 Código AMP Drop shot after drop shot ?@carlosalcaraz | @RioOpenOficial | #RioOpen ATP Tour (@atptour) February 26, 2023 Código APP Drop ... shot after drop shot ?@carlosalcaraz | @RioOpenOficial | #RioOpen ATP Tour (@atptour) February 26, 2023 Pero sabe también el español que el británico no anda tampoco sobrado de fuerzas. Muslo derecho vendado, apela Alcaraz [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Investigan el asesinato de un adolescente negro por un disparo de la Policía desde el asiento trasero de un coche


    : GRAPHIC CONTENT US Park Police fatally shot Dalaneo Martin, a Black 17-year-old, after officers responded to a report of a stolen vehicle in Washington last month. Investigators opened a civil rights probe after body camera footage was released ... Reuters (@Reuters) April 6, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT US Park Police fatally shot Dalaneo Martin, a Black 17-year-old, after officers responded to a report of a stolen ... fatally shot Dalaneo Martin, a Black 17-year-old, after officers responded to a report of a stolen vehicle in Washington last month. Investigators opened a civil rights probe after body camera footage was released [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Dos minutos de terror: el vídeo de la matanza en la escuela de Nashville


    ...her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 millimeter pistol. Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) March 28, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app ... Código móvil Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale drove to Covenant Church/School in her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 millimeter pistol. ... ? Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) March 28, 2023 Código AMP Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale drove to Covenant Church/School in her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 [+]

  • El impresionante vídeo que muestra cómo un cocodrilo atraviesa una valla sin esfuerzo


    ...out this big guy bend the bars and plow right through it this week in Placida. He eventually got through according to the @WINKNews viewer who shot the video. Only in #Florida! @GatorsDaily Matt Devitt (@MattDevittWINK ... ) March 2, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil FLORIDA GATOR VS METAL FENCE ?? Check out this big guy bend the bars and plow right through it this week in Placida. He eventually got through according to the @WINKNews viewer who shot the video ... through according to the @WINKNews viewer who shot the video. Only in #Florida! @GatorsDaily Matt Devitt (@MattDevittWINK) March 2, 2023 Código APP FLORIDA GATOR VS METAL FENCE ?? Check out this big guy bend the bars and [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Al menos ocho muertos y varios heridos tras el asalto armado a una iglesia de los Testigos de Jehová en Hamburgo

    10-03-2023 emergencia y fuerzas de seguridad su rápida acutación. ? Código Desktop ?#UPDATE: «According to initial findings, a shot was fired in a church on Deelböge street in the #GroßBorstel district» in #Hamburg, #Germany. - Police ... ? Breaking News 24/7 (@Worldsource24) March 9, 2023 Imagen para móvil, amp y app Código móvil ?#UPDATE: «According to initial findings, a shot was fired in a church on Deelböge street in the #GroßBorstel district» in #Hamburg, #Germany. - Police ... Breaking News 24/7 (@Worldsource24) March 9, 2023 Código AMP ?#UPDATE: «According to initial findings, a shot was fired in a church on Deelböge street in the #GroßBorstel district» in #Hamburg, #Germany. - Police [+]

  • cadiz | Internacional

    Un intento de matanza en la Estación del Norte de París acaba con, al menos, seis heridos


    ...islámicos. Acciones de «lobos solitarios» errantes en la selva urbana. Código Desktop #Paris #France??- Several people injured in knife attack at the Gare du Nord train station, with suspect said to have been shot and "neutralized" by police, Minister of ... station, with suspect said to have been shot and "neutralized" by police, Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin has reported CyclistAnons? (@CyclistAnons) January 11, 2023 Código AMP #Paris #France??- Several people ... injured in knife attack at the Gare du Nord train station, with suspect said to have been shot and "neutralized" by police, Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin has reported CyclistAnons? (@CyclistAnons) January 11, 2023 [+]

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