?Westworld.? ?Your demons never fully leave. But when you?re using them to create something else, it almost gives them a purpose and feels like none of it was in vain,? she says. ??Westworld?? Good God. I left so much in that first season and never looked [+]
...ancient farmhouse today in the Beceite Mountains of Spain with some of my friends. I?m told it has been standing here for centuries... they don?t build things like they used to. #spain #farmhouse #farm #outdoors Una publicación compartida de Donald Trump [+]
Harry Potter movie, Bana would like to read the book.- Fatemah #Aleppo? Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) 21 de noviembre de 2016En ese momento, a un miembro del equipo de Rowling se le ocurrió la idea de mandar el e-book a Alepo, algo que la propia autora [+]
...pólvora en Facebook y en apenas unos días logró más de 250.000 «likes y alrededor de 12.000 veces fue compartido. [+]
...que galopa hasta la indecencia a base de ?likes?. Visto que en los despachos la cosa está dividida, rota, separada y a un paso de divorciada ? lógico por la obviedad de que cuando hay dos socios que se juegan dinero lo más normal es que cada uno [+]
...jealous and angry and controlling. There has been times where I looked in the mirror and hated the person I see. I talk to God a lot now. He's given me so much and I feel like I waste his gifts becuz of my impulsive personality. The world is full of ... negativity and I feel I play a part in it becuz of the choices I've made or mistakes. I tend to accept the negative or the riff raff becuz I know what it's like to be a young black "nigga" in America. I always see the good in people even when they don't see [+]
...love at your restaurant in NY. Thank you for the BEST food and memories! You are our FAVORITE!! Another happy birthday with @vancityreynolds . Hey, Reynolds, I like you a wh??le lot. Just sayin'...? Una foto publicada por Blake Lively (@blakelively [+]
Rocky?s incarceration. I will be calling the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden to see what we can do about helping A$AP Rocky. So many people would like to see this quickly resolved!? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2019 Give A$AP Rocky [+]
...o Mark Knopfler, tendrá en esta ocasión un doble reflejo con los conciertos de Bob Dylan y el célebre líder de los desaparecidos The Police, Sting. «Like a Rolling Stone» sonará en la noche del día nueve en la Axerquía, regresando a la ciudad una [+]
...absolutas ¡y sin un like! ¿Qué pensará Rufián de tamaña desfachatez? Bueno es aclarar que a De la Torre, sociólogo y doctor ingeniero agrónomo, no solo le hubiera mandado al asilo Iglesias si pudiera, sino que algunos de sus propios compañeros del PP [+]
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